The Indonesian Sago Palm

The Indonesian Sago Palm

Author: F. G. Winarno, M.Sc., Ph.D.

Category: Agriculture

Sago palm (Metroxylon sagu Rottb.) is an extremely hard plant that grows widely in Eastern Indonesia. Sago has been explored and used as a raw material with many potential advantages due to its availability and still very much underutilized. This condition provides a good opportunity for Indonesia, considering that this country accounted for 51.3% of the total hectarage of sago palms in the world.

As a starch-producing plant, sago does not only have a great potential to strengthen the national food security; but can also be used as raw material for innumerable other products of significant commercial value, and is essential for industrial development.

Despite these multiple potential uses and benefits of the sago palm, national development program utilizing sago as an abandoned local resource is very limited. According to study, the sago palm national program makes up only 0.05% of the total state budget (ABPN) during 2012–2014. This makes the sago resources underutilized and tend to be neglected.

In this monograph, The Indonesian Sago Palm: Unraveling Its Potential for National Development, the experts would like to suggest that better management and utilization of sago in Indonesia is a must in order to support the national development. This monograph shows that a great potential of sago palm has not yet been recognized; and consequently, has not been identified as a priority crop; both for food security and industrial development.

No. GM :
Price :
Rp 88,000
Total Pages :
100 pages
Size :
13.5x20 cm
Published :
17 April 2017
Format :
Category :
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F. G. Winarno, M.Sc., Ph.D.

Florentinus Gregorius Winarno lahir di Klaten pada 15 Februari 1938. Dia adalah putra kedua dari tiga bersaudara keluarga R. M. Mitrorekso. Setelah lulus dari SMA St. Yoseph Surakarta (1956), dia melanjutkan studi ke Universitas Indonesia Bogor (sekarang menjadi Institut Pertanian Bogor) dan lulus pada 1962. Dia menikah dengan Agnes Maria Kristiastuti pada 1962 dan memiliki dua putra (Iwan dan Toto) dan seorang putri (Wida), serta tujuh cucu (Mario, Ando, Sastya, Sarita, Dino, Nirmala, dan Kirana). Dia melanjutkan studi di bidang Ilmu Pangan dan Teknologi di Universitas Massachusetts, Amerika Serikat dan memperoleh gelar M.Sc. dan Ph.D. pada 1968 dan 1970. Dia memperoleh gelar Profesor di bidang Ilmu Pangan dan Teknologi pada 1982 dari IPB Bogor. Anugerah sebagai warga teladan kota Bogor, Bogor Heritage Award, pada 2006. Dia disebut sebagai Bapak Ilmu Pangan dan Teknologi Indonesia. Dia juga memperoleh Bakrie Award di bidang Teknologi (2011); BNSP Award di bidang Kompetensi Akademik (2012); Ashoka Innovators for the Public & Senior Fellow Award (2012); Tokoh Standardisasi Nasional, 2013 dari BSN; serta Penghargaan CODEX dari WHO dan FAO (2013). Dia pernah memangku jabatan internasional, seperti President/Chairman CODEX Alimentarius Commisison FAO/WHO (1991–1995); Governing Council, International Union of Food Science and Technology (IUFoST, 1999–2001); Secretary General of FANS (Federation of Asian Nutrition Society, 1983–1985); Vice President FIFTA (Federation of Institute of Food Technology of ASEAN, 1991–2001). Sementara itu, di dalam negeri dia pernah menjabat Dekan Fatemeta, IPB (1974–1978); Penasihat Menteri Pertanian RI (1988–1993); Pendiri Pusat Pengembangan Teknologi Pangan/PUSBANGTEPA, 1978; Pendiri Departemen Teknologi pangan-IPB; Penasihat Menteri Pangan RI (1993–1998); President Indonesian Flavor and Fragrance Association (1996–2004); President Indonesian IDF (International Dairy Federation) 2004–2007; dan Penyusun Rancangan Undang-undang Pangan UU No. 07, 1996 (1993–1996); Pendiri Fakultas Teknobiologi, Unika Atma Jaya, Jakarta, 2002; Rektor Unika Atma Jaya, Jakarta (2007–2011), Bapak Ilmu Pangan Indonesia dari PERGIZIPANGAN 2015; Ketua Dewan Penyantun Unika Atma Jaya, Jakarta (2015–2019); Ketua Komisi Rekayasa, Akademi Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (2007–sekarang).