Critical Eleven (English Edition)


Critical Eleven (English Edition)

Author: Ika Natassa

Category: Romance

The foundation of Hollywood rom-coms formula is the meet-cute. It’s when the female protagonist and the male protagonist meet by accident, a so-called chance encounter. Anya didn’t believe in meet-cute. It never happened in real life, she said. That is until she met Ale on a flight from Jakarta to Sydney, as they were seated next to each other, and one silly incident led to seven hours of conversation between them. Seven hours of laughters and smiles, seven hours that soon changed them from strangers to lovers.

Now, five years have passed. Those laughters and smiles have become nothing but bitter pieces of memories as Anya and Ale faced a massive tragedy in their life, a devastating fate that leaves them questioning every decision that they took and wondering whether they have in fact turned from lovers to strangers.

Told through the perspectives of both Ale and Anya, every chapter is arranged like pieces of puzzle that invites the readers to experience every single emotion that they’re feeling, to love and to hate, and sometimes both at the same time.

No. GM :
Price :
Rp 93,000
Total Pages :
312 pages
Size :
Published :
10 November 2021
Format :
Soft Cover
Category :
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Ika Natassa

Ika Natassa adalah seorang banker dengan hobi menulis dan fotografi. Critical Eleven adalah novel ketujuhnya setelah A Very Yuppy Wedding (Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2007), Divortiare (Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2008), Underground (self-published dengan, 2010), Antologi Rasa (Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2011), Twivortiare (Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2012), dan Twivortiare 2 (Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2014). AVYW menjadi Editor’s Choice Majalah Cosmopolitan Indonesia tahun 2008, dan dia juga dinominasikan sebagai Talented Young Writer dalam penghargaan Khatulistiwa Literary Award tahun 2008. Tahun 2004 Ika Natassa menjadi salah satu finalis Fun Fearless Female Majalah Cosmopolitan Indonesia, dan tahun 2010 memperoleh penghargaan Women Icon dari The Marketeers. Saat ini Antologi Rasa sedang diadaptasi menjadi film layar lebar.

Twitter: @ikanatassa Tumblr: LinkedIn: Ika Natassa Personal website: