Rampokan - English Edition (Cetak Ulang 2023)

Rampokan - English Edition (Cetak Ulang 2023)

Author: Peter Van Dongen

Category: Graphic Novel

Indonesia declared independence on August 17, 1945. Driven from the Dutch East Indies when the Japanese landed in 1942, the Netherlands refuses to recognize this declaration and sets out to recover their colony. The Dutch government decides to send a contingent to fight those it calls “terrorists”. Among them, Johan Knevel, who was born “in the Indies”, hopes to regain the lost paradise of his childhood. He is faced with the reality of a war in which no one’s hands are clean.

Born to a mother with Chinese Indonesian roots, Peter van Dongen set out to explore these roots and the stories of his family. He shared what he found in Rampokan, a graphic novel about the end of the colonial era and the changed relations between the Netherlands and Indonesia. Extensively researched and documented, and with love for Indonesian culture, Peter van Dongen has created a highlight in Dutch comic culture.

—Joost Swarte, Dutch cartoonist, graphic designer, architect and illustrator for The New Yorker. It’s about time that Peter van Dongen’s masterful recreation of the Dutch East Indies was appreciated and acclaimed in English. Rampokan is much more than lived history—it is living history, emotive and immersive, rivetingly narrated and ravishingly illuminated.

—Paul Gravett, comics historian and author of 1001 Comics You Must Read Before You Die

No. GM :
Price :
Rp 189,000
Total Pages :
168 pages
Size :
22 x 29,7 cm
Published :
28 June 2023
Format :
Soft Cover
Category :
Graphic Novel
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Peter Van Dongen

Peter van Dongen lulusan Grafische School, Amsterdam. Awalnya ia menerbitkan karya-karya pertamanya di berbagai majalah amatir dan alternatif seperti Rebel Comix and Balloen. Pada 1990, terbit buku pertamanya, Muizentheater, tentang dua pemuda kelas pekerja di Amsterdam pada masa Depresi. Buku ini mendapat penghargaan Stripschapprijs sebagai Buku Komik Terbaik tahun 1991.

Hampir sepuluh tahun kemudian, van Dongen menerbitkan Rampokan-Java. Buku ini mendapat sambutan yang bahkan lebih baik daripada karya pertamanya. Rampokan dikerjakannya bersama Joost Swarte dan memenangkan penghargaan Desain Buku Terbaik 1999. Pada 2004, terbit Rampokan Celebes.