Cara Ikat Tali Sepatu

Cara Ikat Tali Sepatu

Author: Moonbug Entertainment

Category: Picture Books

Gunakan buku ini bersama anak agar ia belajar mengikat tali sepatu sendiri. Berlatih mengikat tali sepatu bisa mengasah keterampilan motorik halus dan koordinasi mata dan jari.

No. GM :
Price :
Rp 149,000
Total Pages :
32 pages
Size :
19,7 x 24,1 cm
Published :
31 July 2024
Format :
Hard Cover
Category :
Picture Books
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Moonbug Entertainment

Moonbug is a global entertainment company that creates and distributes inspiring and engaging stories to expand kids’ worlds and minds.

Founded in 2018, with offices in London and Los Angeles, Moonbug creates, produces and publishes thousands of minutes of video and audio content every month with the goal of teaching compassion, empathy and resilience to kids around the world.