Indonesia Getting Its Second Wind

Indonesia Getting Its Second Wind

Author: DR. Maria G.S Soetopo Conboy, B.Sc., M.B.A.

Category: Law

This book examines the legal accountability associated with government policies in the Indonesian legal system. It explores legal issues with regard to law making and law enforcement, specifically the events that resulted in  the unjust charges leveled against several government officials in the aftermath of the 1997 economic meltdown. Using a comparative study of central bank responses during financial crises in Malaysia, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Germany, and Indonesia, the book offers a solution utilizing the Economic Analysis of Law (EAL) to achieve efficient and just policies. The application of EAL in all levels of the government will assist in analyzing and revealing potential impacts for decision makers. This book is a call to action for the Indonesian government and its people to learn from past experiences and look toward a brighter and prosperous Indonesia through the blending of law and economics to achieve social welfare maximization.

“A must read book for those who are interested on how law intertwine with economics by evaluating policies of Government of Indonesia in time of crisis as a case study.”
—Prof. Hikmahanto Juwana, S.H., LL.M., Ph.D.
Professor of Law University of Indonesia

“Provocative... The book paved the way for a public debate of the moral limits of capitalism, markets, and regulations.”
—Denni Puspa Purbasari, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Lecturer, Department of Economics, Gadjah Mada University

“This book is an enlightening way to comprehend that jurisprudence is an interdependent science which has its variable with other scientific disciplines, particularly economics. By introducing the method of Economic Analysis of Law, this book provides a solution to the legal problems as a groundwork to minimize the impact on society.”
—Prof. DR. Bintan R. Saragih, S.H., M.H.
Professor of Law University Pelita Harapan

“In the law making process, EAL can be described as if a sharpened blade to divide rationality, urgency and justification of a regulation. It is the reason for the law maker, EAL becomes a substantial instrument that must be masterly implemented. Certainly, without EAL, the law can potentially become an instrument of speculation.”
—DR. Henry Soelistyo Budi, S.H., LL.M.
Director of the Doctoral Program of the Graduate School of Law at the University Pelita Harapan

No. GM :
Price :
Rp 150,000
Total Pages :
0 pages
Size :
15 x 23
Published :
03 September 2015
Format :
Category :
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DR. Maria G.S Soetopo Conboy, B.Sc., M.B.A.

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Books by DR. Maria G.S Soetopo Conboy, B.Sc., M.B.A.